Recipe to create Bitcoin (BTC)

be casual
Dec 17, 2020

or how to reveal Satoshi Nakamoto’s Identity

Ingredients needed:

  • A visionary (not a leader, a dreamer, like Jules Vernes, born 150 years ahead of his time)
  • 4 persons, each one of them received 1/4 of the first coin ever “minted” (0.25 BTC)
  • Background in business, technology possibly experience in payment processing software (PayPal, Stripe)

If you create a currency, you own the minting machine.

Sell your BTC at all-time highs, buy stocks from your own companies, and pump up the price to infinity, while sheep follow you as the next messiah. You need to be very wealthy in order to do this, own a lot of BTC, and most importantly you need to be cynical about society and human behavior.

Finally: Invest your profit into the real projects you believe in such as conquering space.

